Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Living to 150???

Well Barbara Walters had a special on last night about living to 150 years old. Very interesting stuff, I'm not too sure if I personally want to live to be that old. But, I guess that would depend on how healthy and physically fit I would be. The link provides you some general info on the special as well as an opportunity to view some of the special.

Bowling for the Presidency? Clinton challenges Obama to a bowl-off!

WHAT THE......?????

AGAIN, WHAT THE......?????


Becca said...

Do my friends and family get to live to be a 150? If so, I'm all in.

Becca said...

Do my friends and family get to live to be 150? If so, I'm all in.

Lost In Space said...

Well if you can get your hands on some of the drugs that Barbara was talking about and you switch up your diet you possibly can.

Well rats can anyway...